28 July 2006
Life is too short to be enjoying...

While i was laughing away at work with clients and colleagues, a shocking call came in between. "By, call mak urgent, bapak tenat." Then the line was hunged up.

Everything after that came in a blur. The first thought that came to my mind was to call back the caller which had called me, my hubby. Obviously his line was engaged. Tried several times but to no avail. What was i thinking? I called my MIL. She answered the phone and told me things in between sobs. I on the other hand was a blur + can't make out anything = PANICKY!!!

After much consolation to my MIL to calm down... this is what she said, "Ti, bapak susah nak napas. Dah sepray ubat pun masih cungap-cungap. Tak bolehlah bapak. Mak dah tlepon rosle dah. Anak mak busu ader sini. Bapak tak osah bawak pegi hospetal. Bapak kata apa-apa, biarkan dia kat rumah je." So i didnt know exactly the condition of my FIL. All i can do is wait for Dear to arrive there and update me with FIL's condition.

Then another shocking call came. My sis said she received a call earlier from my hubby saying that his father tengah nazak. I was like..., crazy. I'm tied up with tonnes of appointment and can't seem to put it off. What is more infuriating than this appointments not being able to reschedule is having to call my MIL, only to hear an engage tone for the rest of half an hour or so. I'm lost...

Next half an hour was a question of, 'will he or will he not?'. Telephone rang and it's for me. This time round was Dear in between sobs, "Dear, i want you to call Irfan's school and get him to come home soonest possible. Bapak don't look too good and i'm waiting for the ambulance." Without questions i made all the necessary calls and arranged my son's transport back home to his grandma's.

"Go ahead, i'll cover you, don't worry," said my colleague, Wee Seah. She must have noticed from my awry look and continuos anticipation of waiting for a phonecall, be it the company's or my handphone. "I'll just wait till Rosley call me then i let you know if i need to go soon, thanks."

All that started at 12ish. 1.30pm... 2.15pm...

"How's dad?" Doc says he's in critical condition. He advised family members to give all the moral support he can get. And braced themselves should anything were to happen. They (professionals) are and will be doing the best they can.

The next few hours are just a pacing up and down for Dear and his siblings. They can't see him, can't go in, can't ask. All that till the start of the visiting hours. With just only a glimpse of FIL through opaque curtains in the ICU as and when the nurses check upon his condition. Other than that, no information given.

I had enough of dreadful thoughts in my mind and being the only person in the Jimaen's family who is not present there now, i decided to knock off an hour earlier. Upon reaching there and seeing him lying on the bed with all the tubes (as big as my thumb) being poked all over his body, having his two hands tied up by the side of the bed, seeing him struggling trying to get up with his legs down off from the bed, his pulse rate beating like a non-stop drumline, his breathing like a fish being taken away of its oxygen, gasping for air, moaning and whining (all this unconsciously while teardrops slowly flow from his closed eyes) makes my heart crumbled...

Tears started welling. My throat began to sore. I realised after, i was already sobbing like a small kid. He may not be my real father, there were moments of feuds before, but after all that has passed, the bond that we share were nothing like what i had shared with my Papa. With my Papa, it was all talk and no affections. Everything was straight forwardly. But with my FIL, he would kiss my forehead, my hand sometimes, he would hug me and pat on me, he would hold my hand when we walk together. All these are the things i'm dying to do with my Papa. But we never get this close. I would really kill to have all these affections done with my Papa (gosh! how i miss him so much!!!). But i know it'll never happen...

45mins was all that i got just seeing him through glass door. I wished he had opened his eyes for me, but he didn't and before i knew it, visiting hours are over...

posted by DRooLZ79 @ 11:00 PM   0 comments
19 July 2006
-All About Myself-
My Name: Rosley Jimaen
Hobbies: Watch soccer
School: Springfield Secondary
Work: Freelance MC, consultant and future BABYSITTER. (marilah enrol, jangan seganx2)
Horoscope: Saya bangga mengatakan diri saya seorang Aquarian.
Hair Colour: Black
Eye Colour: Black (Wifey kata brown).
Skin Colour: Fair/Tan
Last 5 Digits of My Mobile: 24565
My Birthday: 02 February

-Have You-
Tried Smoking: Tried nicotine & shesha, but never a SMOKER! (smoking is bad for your health)
Drink Alcohol: Wifey kata should have been, 'Drank'. But anyway, "ampunkan kami penunggu gua, ampunkan kami..."
Been Hurt Emotionally: YES (Allah saja yang Maha menyaksikan...).
Keep a Secret From Anyone: NO
Been on Stage: YES. (Lost count)

Colour: White/Black
Food: Anything spicy
Number: 9
Cartoon: Tom & Jerry (meowwww)
Song: Slow rock
Movie: Action-packed

-Right Now-
Wearing: Boxers
Hairstyles: Out of the katil punya style.
Looking At: My wifey and grinning at her.
Thinking of: Siapakah gerangang 'monyet' yang mencipta game yang sesungguhnya tidak mendatangkan hasil!!! Tak paham x2...
Listening To: My wifey's blog background music (yang sungguh irritating kekadang). Confirm lepas baca nih, dia tak bebual 1 minggu...

-Do You Believe in Love-
Love: YES. I found love in my beloved wifey, SITI KAMARIAH BINTE MAHLI.
Faith: YES
Yourself: YES
Angel: Mmm...
Ghost: Mmm... My wifey knows me better.

-In The Last 24hrs-
Wored Jeans: YES
Clean Your Room: Yes. Lazimnya selepas bangun tidur. Kalau tak, wifey potpetpotpet...
Cried: No
Met Someone New: Client mintak DJ services.
Last Person I Talked To on The Phone: My beloved wifey.

-Love Life-
Do You Believe in Love: YES
Have a Secret Admirer: Nak kata tak, mungkin ada. Nak kata ya, feeling pulak...
Do You Want To Get Married: Islam disahkan kahwin 4 tau. Hmmm...
How Old You Want To Be When You Have Kids: Dah ader pun. Cuma tengah plan nak ader lagi satu.
How Many Kids Do You Want: Another 2 more kalau selepas satu wifey tak gemuk...
Would You Have Kids Before Marriage: Hmm... Nih macam trick question jer...
Do You Have a Crush: Errr... (By, can help me on this?)
What Do You Want Most in a Relationship: Lots of trust, understanding, jujur dan paling penting sekali kemanjaan...

-In Random-
Your Favourite Local Footballer: Fandi Ahmad
3 People You Run To When You Have Problems: Wifey, wifey and wifey...
3 Things You Do When You Are Stress: Listening to music or watch a movie, be alone and eat lots and lots of chocolate...
3 Prominent Qualities of Myself: 'Never-Give-Up' Attitude, Hardworking and Responsible
What Would You Do if You Have 1 Million $: Bayar hutang, derma zakat and save.
Are You a Jealous or Insecure Freak: Both. I know i'm a jealous person, but wifey said i'm an insecure man. Because i love you lah!!!
Favourite Secondary Teacher: No favourites. All hates!!!
People(s) You Would Like To See Doing This Thing: My favourite nieces yang selalu baca (agaknya), Siti Ayuni and Siti Anati...

p.s to SIL: tak dapat jadi babysitter, jadi tuan penasihat pun jadilah. i dah ader 3, leh kasi u tip mcmana nak pakai pampers, BUANG pampers. Muahahaha!!!
posted by DRooLZ79 @ 11:55 PM   0 comments
18 July 2006
Kenapalah orang-orang nih semua tak henti-henti main game yang sesungguhnya memenatkan? Haiyah...


My Name: Mariah Mahli (adik beradik Mariah Carey) ehem...
Hobbies: Handicrafting & rollerblading
School: Balestier Pri Sch (p1-p3 half), Kuo Chuan Presbyterian Pri & Guanyang Sec
Work: Daisy's Nail Cottage
Horoscope: Capricon (mmmbeeek!!!)
Hair colour: Blackie brown
Eye Colour: White outside, black insidelah
Skin Colour: COKELAT (depends who's seeing it. heh!!)
-my hubby families kata hitam manis
-my mum kata celeng (boyan for hitam)
-my kawan kata sawo matang
-my hubby kata tan
-my sis kata okay2lah
-my bro kata, sudahlah!
Status: Married
Last 5 digit Of My Mobile: 04094(4094 slalu kena, tak beli rugi)
My Birthday: 17th January (kalau takde presen pon, aku tak tau nak kata apa!)


Tried Smoking: Yes
Drink Alcohol: Yes
Been Hurt Emotionally: Yes
Keep A Secret From Anyone: Not that i know of...
Been On Stage: Dancing dancing?


Colour: White
Food: Anything hot & spicy
Number: 7 (i loike!!!)
Cartoon: Disney's Fairytales
Song: Anything yang tak membingitkan
Movie: Anything epic (e.i Alexander, The Ten Commandments, Lord of the Rings, etc)


Wearing: Spag top, boy's leg undies
Hairstyles: Neatly half clip
Looking At: My LCD lah (camner kalu tak tengok...)
Thinking Of: What i'll be cooking tomorrow
Listening To: A Touch of Paradise-John Farham (Class 95fm)


Love: It really depends...
Faiths: Yes
Yourself: Yes
Angels: If that's an abbrev. for malaikat, Yes
Ghost: And this one for SYAITAN? YES


Wored Jeans: Yes
Clean Your Room: Spring cleaning habis babe!
Cried: A little sob ( Hub's uncle passed on today)
Met Someone New: Client's sis who is on stopover to Europe
Last Person I Talk To on The Phone: My Darling Dearestlah... (ala bucuk2)


Do You Believe in Love: Haiyah...
Have a Secret Admirer: Haiyoh...
Do You Want To Get Married: Haiz...Pls refer to Status above. Thk You!
How Old You Want To Be When You Have Kids: Biologically, before 30
How Many Kids Do You Want: Biologically, 4 (2 boys, 2 girls) MPVs wasn't made for nothing
Would You Have Kids Before Marriage: If i'm still a Miss, DEFINITELY NO!
Do You Have a Crush: Yesss... Hans Isaac & George Clooney!!!
What Do You Want Most in a Relationship: Understandingness, sensitivity, honesty


Your Favourite Local Footballer: Abbas Saad
3 People You Run To When You Have Problems: Darling Dearest, Doink & MsMischief
3 Things You Do When You Are Stress: Take a breather, retail theraphy or stressed it out to sleep...
3 Prominent Qualities of Myself: Stubborn yet patience with lots of manja-ness!!!
What Would You do if You Have 1 Million $: Bayar apa yang patut, dana, takaful and... (entah eh? kalau betul2 ada duit, apa yang di-plan selalunya tak menjadi, hmmm...InsyaAllah...)
Are You a Jealous or an Insecure Freak: None. (My hubby's one lucky guy!!!)
Favourite Secondary School Teacher: Mr Kwok
People(s) You Like To See Doing This Thing: At last!!! The List goes like this...
Cuzzy Crab, Big Sista Doink, Fren liNa Lapis, Lil Bro, Wise Cuzzy Magg

p.s: gerl, if you are reading this, pls note of the time i did this entry. lup ko nyer pasal ah babe wa sanggup sengkang mata seh... (sudin, mak kasi chance tau)

Yeahhhh!!! Now i can sleep next to my snoring baby hubby under the covers of his warm embrace... I'm coming baby!!! ZZZzzzzz
posted by DRooLZ79 @ 1:04 AM   0 comments
14 July 2006
Dear had just lost one of his mentor to a sudden heart attack ... the talented Ishak Ahmad.
He still can't believe he had passed on when the news got to him. But he had finally come to terms of his death.
They will melawat today at his reseidence, though some had gone around 11ish...
My deepest condolences to the families of the late.
posted by DRooLZ79 @ 3:38 AM   0 comments
13 July 2006
And so the answer to the brainteasers is...


4 Gives and 4 Gets
=Forgive and Forget


At Es (5 E)
=At Ease


Ten Issues
=Tennis Shoes


Right between Is
=Right between the eys


i line r
=Eye Liner

Muahahahahaha.... Got it right? Almost there? Heheheh...
posted by DRooLZ79 @ 8:28 AM   0 comments
11 July 2006
Having change my off day to today, i am pretty much free to do an entry. But right now, brainteasing is all that is jumping around my in mind. I wonder if anyone can manage to decipher these... It could be anything, sayings, titles etceras...











Hehehe... Happy decoding...
posted by DRooLZ79 @ 10:53 AM   0 comments
08 July 2006
Geesh!!! Look at the time!!! I gotta stop drinking kopi liao. I can't seem to sleep. With hubby spinning and not yet home, i'm always waken up by noises which i thought it's him opening the door(other than that, it'll be the boys shouting over the World Cup). Only to realize, it's false alarm...

At last what did i do... get myself all tapping down this thoughts. Mimpikan lagi bagus. Haiyah... Just went to check on the kids. My God!!! Their room's freezing cold and yet they didn't pull up the covers and still looking so sound and peaceful. Si Princess leh on fan kecik pulak tu kat tepi bedside table dia! Kena Mummy dia macam gitu dah kaku beku! I switched off the fan, turned down the temp and adjusted the covers. Nice seeing them here. Missed them much. Didn't see them past 2 weekends. They've been begging to snuggle up the night in my room, but hubby said no. Since he'll be back late and will be tired, he wants the bed to himself and mine to retire. Alritelah... You're the Man, man.


Why haven't the 'ZZZzzz' Monster call upon me?

Oh well, some things are best done manually. Till my next entry, 'Good Morning' to all...
posted by DRooLZ79 @ 3:10 AM   0 comments
05 July 2006
I've been tagged by my cuzzy MAGG. Gosh!!! Never been before. Anyway, here goes...

10 FAVS:

Favourite Colour: White
Favourite Food: Anything spicy (but really, it's the slice fish noodle with milk at Liang Seah St. power gilerz! slurrrpppp!!!)
Favourite Song: Anything by Save Ferris
Favourite Movie: Lord of The Rings and Troy
Favourite Sport: Rollerblading
Favourite Day of The Week: Thursday (for it's my off day always)
Favourite Ice Cream Flavour: Chocolate (especially Nuts About Chocolate)
Favourite Car Model: Honda Civic (1st model to be expose to by my uncle and the very last to be sitting on, for our current car is indeed a Honda Civic and will always be...)
Favourite Subject in School: ARTS!!!
Favourite Snack: Oreo biscuits (slamed dunked in milk. mmm...yummy)


Current Mood: Cranky (uzurlah...)
Current Taste: Bitter (kerana uzur, makanlah ubat. still have the after taste. yuckers!!!)
Current Clothes: Hot shorts, spag top with boy's leg undies plus extra winged pad (ooopppsss!!!)
Current Desktop: Remotes, hps, coffee mugs...basically it all spelled 'MESS'
Current Toenail Colour: Oleh kerana uzur, dan dah kerja kita sebagai manicurist (alasan..) jadi pakailah warna OPI-Yelling for Watermelon & The Bodyguards Make me Blush (yes...2 colors alternately)
Current Time: 0034hrs
Current Surroundings: My Love Shack aka My Bedroom
Current Annoyance(s): My hubby's constant snoring
Current Thoughts: When was my last change of pads


First Best Friend: Her name was Emillia Ismail
First Crush: His name was Ali Aziz (that was in P1 at Balestier Pri)
First Movie: My Paps brought me and my sis to watch E.T at Chinatown Point Cineplex (kau! ingat lagi seh!) i remember it was a long walk from Raffles MRT
First Piercing: My ears at kedai emas accompanied by my Mams and MAGG & Crab's mum when i was younger (can't remember when but i do remember my aunt insist i should) that was at Toa Payoh alright. Followed by another 2 pair during teenage yrs which have totally closed on me
First Lie: "Papa, nak duit lebih sebab nak kena beli buku. Teacher suruh." Padahal nak beli rubber band untuk main Zero Point time recess
First Music: My Paps ngajian
First Car: Was a Mitsubishi. A friend's father's (but that was just putting it into gear je...). No, it was my hubby's 1st car, Daihatsu Charade aka The Kereta Chipot (sorry Darling). So small, i would have no problem doing a 3 POINT TURN parallel parking...
First Real Date Venue: Hmmm...can't remember

7 LAST(S):

Last Drink: Hot Milo
Last Car Ride: Everyday in our car
Last "Movie Crush": Huh?!
Last Phone Call: My step-daughters
Last Song Played: I know the song but don't know the title. I can't hum in here right?
Last Food Ate: Banana Nut Crunch cereal
Last Thing I do before I go to sleep: Try for baby or on days like today, read Danielle Steel till i dozed off


Have you ever dated one of your best friends: My best friends are all girls and semua langsung tak handsome! No
Have you ever broken the law: Yeah (throw ciggies butt, almost kena CWO)
Have you ever been arrested: No
Have you ever skinned dipped: Always wish but never did
Have you been on TV: On Mat Yoyo as a contestant, in MTV for their advertisement and Channel News Asia for Beauty Spa Programmes
Have you ever kissed someone you didn't know: No


Hot Shorts
Spaghetti top
Boy's leg undies
Feminine pad aka KOTEX


Did the laundry
Came up with nail spa promotion
Nailed an event deal
Did groceries


The keyboard going "Tap, tap, tap"
My hubby's snores
My cats' meowing for attention


My families
MONEY (honestly, nobody can't live without a cent in Singapore)



5 Beautiful Peeps to Carry On The Game:-
1) My cuzzy Mim (Her Royal Majesty)
2) My best pal Yan (LilGerlMischief)
3) My Darling hubby who only reads but does nothing to this bloggy
4) My lil baby bro
5) My 2 kitties can?

posted by DRooLZ79 @ 12:17 AM   0 comments
About Me

Name: DRooLZ79
Home: Singapore
About Me: A hectic person whose time are mostly needed to be where she had to be... my family...
See my complete profile

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